Hydrofoil System
The hydrofoil boat equipped with Seastel Hydrofoil System could fly out of the water when reaching its takeoff speed. The drag reduction up to 70% can be realized compared with conventional ships. The characteristics of high speed, small wave-making, and good comfort credited to the system greatly expand the application of electric boats. Seastel Hydrofoil System is particularly suitable for small boats such as yachts, wind farm CTVs, and harbor crafts, which could increase cruise range and seakeeping performance considerably.
The dynamic stability of hydrofoil boats is more prominent than that of conventional ships, and the precise attitude control is necessary. The hydrofoil control system receives target speed and heading angle from the operation panel or throttle and steering commands from the joystick. Online processing is performed according to the real-time data from each sensor to obtain the current boat’s attitude and speed. Based on feedback controller and optimal lift distribution, the commands of hydrofoil angle, propeller speed and rudder angle are calculated and sent to the control mechanisms, which simultaneously control the boat's rolling, pitching, heaving and other degrees of freedom to keep the hydrofoil boat in a stable flight status.
An invention patent ‘Telescopic Marine Hydrofoil Device’ has been published.